◇ Oh! スケトラ!!! ユーリ!!! on ICE/オリジナル・スケートソングCOLLECTION
01. アリア≪離れずにそばにいて≫
02. 愛について~Eros~
03. Yuri on ICE
04. 愛について~Agape~
05. ピアノ協奏曲 ロ短調 アレグロ・アパッショナート
06. Minami's Boogie
07. Shall We Skate?
08. Terra Incognita
09. La Parfum de Fleurs
10. The Inferno
11. A Tales of Sleeping Prince
12. Still Alive
13. Intoxicated
14. スペイン狂詩曲
15. Almavivo
16. Anastasis
17. L'homme Arme
18. Serenade for Two
19. Theme of King JJ ★
20. Partizan Hope ★
21. ≪サマルカンド≫序曲
22. 交響曲第9番 第2楽章 「降臨」 -建国版-
23. Welcome to The Madness
24. デュエット≪離れずにそばにいて≫
歌:梅林太郎 featuring Linus Norda
作詞:sugar me
Now I rule the world
And the starry sky spreading above…
I'll never give up even the night should fall
Always do my best
I look in the mirror the king looks back at me
I can rule the world JJ just follow me
I will break the wall now look at me
Fools or even wise aren't the enemies
This is who I am just remember me
I'm the king JJ no one defeats me
This is who I am, baby, just follow me
(He owns the world)
(And all the beauties in his hands)
Now I can reach the stars
And I will show you how
Whenever you feel stand alone, never shed a tear
If you always smile on face you'll make it through the rain
I'll never give in how high the mountains rise
Keep looking ahead
I look in the mirror the king looks back on me
I can change the world JJ just follow me
Catch me if you can and look at me
I'm brave enough to fight the enemies
This is who I am just remember me
I'm the king JJ no one can stop me
This is who I am baby just follow me
(He's on the top)
(On the whole universe)
Now I can be the star
And I will show yo
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